Pilot Concentration in Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies

Academic Affairs is pleased to announce that recruitment has now commenced for the second cohort of students into the pilot program in Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies (NCSS). This two year innovative pilot program will explore how a select cohort of students can negotiate a 21 credit inter-disciplinary and cross-school pathway in nature-culture-sustainability studies. The first cohort of students was recruited in May 2012.

The aim of the two year pilot program is to: (i) ascertain levels of student interest in Nature-Culture-Sustainability studies, (ii) open up a pathway of study which would allow students to compliment and add focus and depth to work explored in their major subject; (iii) determine how students can creatively negotiate RISD scheduling and curricular constraints to embark on multi/interdisciplinary study, and (iv) test the feasibility of a model of multi/interdisciplinary study more generally that could be utilized for other content areas.

Students will also have the opportunity to take an interdisciplinary seminar in Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies.

Information sessions about the NCSS Program will be held:

Monday 8th April Refectory Room A 6.30pm

Tuesday 9th April Refectory Room A. 6.30pm

Wednesday 10th April Refectory Room A, 6.30pm

Monday 15th April Refectory Room A. 6.30 pm

Tuesday 16th April Refectory Room A 6.30pm

This will be the second and final cohort of the pilot concentration. Places are only open to freshman and sophomore students and will be limited. For further information on the NCSS pilot and an application form please contact Damian White, dwhite01@risd.edu. The deadline for all applications is Thursday 18th April 2013 8pm.


Damian White, interdisciplinary, Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies